Stephanie & Jarred Ep. 14 – The pressure from family to see baby all the time
Athena is Stephanie and Jarred's first child and their parents' first grandchild. Naturally, both sides of the families wish to spend as much time as possible with the new baby. But this has put additional stress on the new parents...

Stephanie & Jarred Ep. 15 – School districts now take priority over nightlife
Stephanie and Jarred are finding out that their priorities have changed since becoming parents. They are getting ready to move out of their current home in search of their ideal house, but have new considerations like finding the best school...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 1 – Meet the parents
Meet Erica and Nicholas, first time expecting parents living in New Jersey. Erica's family is from Nigeria and Nicholas is from Jamaica. The two met in their dormitory laundry room and have been together ever since. They are 39 weeks...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 2 – What’s up doc, am I pregnant?
Erica and Nicholas were not planning on getting pregnant. So when she missed her period and noticed that her breasts were more tender than usual, she got herself checked. The doctor forgot to get back to her for 2 whole...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 3 – Super awesome pregnancy
There are a lot of fears and expectations regarding pregnancy and Erica, like most new moms, was afraid of the challenges that lay ahead. She talks about how with the help of her family and friends and the support of...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 4 – Our pregnancy announcement didn’t quite work
Both Erica and Nicholas's parents didn't believe them when they announced their pregnancy. And they did it in the most adorable way! Watch as they talk about their failed pregnancy announcement, family support, and how that makes all the difference!

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 5 – I’m worried about childcare
For new parents, there are many things to consider and one of the most anxiety-ridden ones is childcare. Who can I trust to take care of my baby? It's a question that plagues Erica and Nicholas. Watch as they discuss...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 6 – Birth of the unicorn baby
What's it like giving birth to the unicorn baby? It probably goes the way it went for Erica and Nicholas. They give answers to what a contraction feels like, how an epidural helps, and what's it like having your mother-in-law...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 7 – We didn’t have a baby name ready
Erica and Nicholas didn't plan much ahead before their baby's arrival. They didn't want to find out the gender of the baby, they preferred it to be a surprise. So they didn't have any names picked, whether for a boy...

Erica & Nicholas Ep. 8 – Dealing with engorgement
New mom Erica talks about her painful experience with engorgement during the early weeks of breastfeeding her baby girl, Arria. Having been blindsided by it, she was desperate to try anything to be relieved of the pain. Seeking advice from...