Laura & Sal Ep. 3 – Everyone’s living the questions
We go back 2 years to when Laura and Sal lived in a railroad apartment in Brooklyn with 11 month old Aria. Even though Laura was well informed about her choices with the birth, she didn't give much thought to...

Laura & Sal Ep. 4 – A career on hold
We go back to 2014 when Laura had recently started her postpartum doula business, Birdsong Brooklyn. She became pregnant at 25, and had to put her career on hold. Watch as she talks about how motherhood, while rewarding, is a...

Laura & Sal Ep. 5 – Twin jealousy
Aria seems to be as excited as her parents to have new siblings. But Laura is still worried that Aria might get jealous when she sees her caring for two newborns. Laura talks about how she is preparing Aria for...

Laura & Sal Ep. 6 – We’re gonna do better this time
Sal always wanted more than one child, though Laura didn't know until much later. He talks about the future of their family, especially how they're going to manage with having two more mouths to feed and rethinking their plans for...

Laura & Sal Ep. 7 – I’m not naming my only son Zephyr!
Laura and Sal have differing opinions when it comes to naming the twins they are expecting. While Sal's choices are more "traditional", Laura's choices are more what he calls "outlandish". Watch their hilarious exchange of ideas as they try and...

Laura & Sal Ep. 8 – Home birth vs. hospital birth
Being a doula, Laura has a lot of insight about home births and hospital births and the pros and cons of each. While she had her first child, Aria, at home, she plans to have the twins at the hospital,...

Laura & Sal Ep. 9 – Symptoms of a twin pregnancy
Growing one baby inside you is tough, a twin pregnancy is bound to be tougher. Laura talks about the physical toll her body is going through from carrying twins. She has all the same pregnancy symptoms from her first time...

Laura & Sal Ep. 10 – Doubling down for twins
When Laura and Sal found out they were pregnant, they were happy that they could reuse a lot of Aria's old baby items and wouldn't have to buy too many new things. But when they found out they were expecting...

Laura & Sal Ep. 11 – Dads need bonding time too
Paternity leave is a blessing for dads. Sal's circumstances were different with his first child and he wasn't able to take time off work. But this time he plans on doing things differently. Even though it is only two weeks...

Laura & Sal Ep. 12 – Breastfeeding a toddler through a twin pregnancy
Laura is a postpartum doula, so she knows what to look for when breastfeeding. Although she is in new territory with breastfeeding twins, she talks about her faith in her body and her confidence in being able to exclusively breastfeed...