Category: New Moms
Erica & Nicholas Ep. 16 – Worried about breast pumping at work
Pumping is a stressful ordeal; even more so at your workplace. New mom Erica is soon going to find herself in this situation as she prepares to return to the workforce. She shares her worries about being able to continue...
Laura & Sal Ep. 3 – Everyone’s living the questions
We go back 2 years to when Laura and Sal lived in a railroad apartment in Brooklyn with 11 month old Aria. Even though Laura was well informed about her choices with the birth, she didn't give much thought to...
Laura & Sal Ep. 4 – A career on hold
We go back to 2014 when Laura had recently started her postpartum doula business, Birdsong Brooklyn. She became pregnant at 25, and had to put her career on hold. Watch as she talks about how motherhood, while rewarding, is a...
Laura & Sal Ep. 19 – Why I decided to take placenta pills
Encapsulating placenta has it's benefits. Laura's twins, Willow and Luca, are di/di twins which means they each had their own placenta. Having encapsulated both separately, Laura talks about how taking placenta pills has benefited her during the postpartum period with...